Monday, June 24, 2024

Tadoba – day 2


The 2nd safari was on a Tuesday

Word of caution it is to be remembered unlike many places on -TUE Tadoba jungle is closed to tourists and Safari only happens in Buffer Zone, Not Core zone


WE started the Tour of Buffer Zone

Camera charges: Rs 250 per camera

All mobile Phones are to be switched off and deposited in the lock box with the guide in the Jeep


We entered the jungle at 0530 hours

And were greeted with sights of Gaur being lazy and chewing Grass and looking at us



Followed by a few spotted deer’s practicing there fight for 





A little later there was a streak of Blue, it was Indian roller in flight, a sight oh so lovely,,,



 And as we drove around we also chanced on a Fishing eagle watching us from a distance , yes we managed to shoot a few in flight shots before it settled on a stump.




The buffer Zone was being more productive then we had anticipated and this was looking good especially after the wonderful Tiger sighting the previous day.


Before the morning safari ended we had also spotted and photographed a few "Paradise fly catchers" with  fly and flying across the water body, it is just lyrical to say the least.




And Pied Kingfisher hovering and watching below before it swoops for the kill




The last hour threw up a gamma being chased by honey buzzard, wow what a day




And as we left we were treated to a sighting of tigress Choti Madhu, who is currently in the Buffer Zone, WOW, what a day once more I thought to myself.




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