Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 7

31st march just rolled on, and its time for the next financial year ,    april is here trees are changing colours and birds are getting ready there houses for summer

Copped up at home

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 5 of lockdown, what I see around me

My mother who is 83 years old still devours books at a rate that puts me to shame, I devour one book a book, she does more, IMAGINE what a wonderful sight to see her by the window focused on her book, every day, click on this link for a image of her with her books


luv u mom

#mother #83 #readingandalert #secrettolonglife #rajatghoshphotography  

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 2 of 21 day lockdown, - march 26,

What was I photographing yesterday, some asked

What I was Photographing,  these folks across the river, a long way off wondering where they are off to , and how are they managing in the lockdown, the poor and daily wage earners could well be in a soup, but they seem so calm and composed, amazing.

What do You think are these 3 brothers or father with 2 sons ?

Your take?

Day -01 - Lockdown

Day 1 of   21 day lockdown, - march 25, I am reworking my resume and I think –

I am on the roof of a 54 story building and were I to fall it was death most likely

If you know this all you might be scared for me,
Else you are happy to see this image and move on

Information is power and FEAR,

Your take?

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Trash fed Cows

Trash fed Milk is it ?

I recently did a talk on consumer protection where we did touch on things to look out for while buying food products

What I did leave out was, do check out where and what food the animals are fed that you consume or products that come from these animals.

Here you can see a Jersey cow that is fed trash, so you can well imagine what the milk will be containing, if trash is is trash out you do the math.

No hard feelings please

#trashinTrashout #biketaleswithrajat #rajatghoshphotography #foodforthought