Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Whats a Women's day?

Takes a fall

And now as I watch as girls are riding, not pillioning, on The ENFIELD I am happy for them, that’s women day to me, though in all reality they are riding every day and it is women’s day every day, while the short sighted want to celebrate women’s day as One day, 

My day starts with bowing down to MA Swaraswati, MA Laxmi and MA Bhagwati in No particular order, and interacting with my Mom and other ladies in my life, how can I just celebrate womens day as 8th March alone, is it not a lie

It’s been a Royal Enfield for me all along a 350cc when I started out in 1989 and now a 500cc bike that can be handled locally by any mechanic, as it is low tech has been the way to go for me, other then the cruiser angle, it is more of a touring bike and has a street presence because of its sound, it also often does not require use of the Horn as the sound does make one aware of approaching bike, sort of a signature sound of a bike on the road.

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