Wednesday, February 19, 2025

My daddy best

 My grandparents along with 7 sons 2 daughters and few of the then married wife's of the son

Watched the Mehta boys, like someone mentioned here, they liked it, n I too sat though the slow initial bit, being in Mumbai for 20 + years, and in colaba and Xavier’s for major part, so the sound effects was so enjoyable   here some emotional stuff,,, 



N now to recount what I went through as I watched the movie, incidentally, Bomen, looks some what like my dad, a man who we lost in 2014, n he was quiet a character, 


As a doctor other doctors had put a supari on him, as he was modernizing g a railway hospital, and the hired gunman, came to him, asking if they should kill the ones who hired them as they knew the railway modernization would help the common man ,,,


As a practicing private doctors he took calls and visited patients at all hours (night) and yes he had near mugging experiences where the muggers use to recognize and let him go at nick of time ...


Always well dressed in a suit and a tie, he commanded respect and got service wherever he went, and yes we did have our share on not agreeing with each other, he wanted me to be a doctor and I wanted to be a photographer, he let me do it,,, like bomen's character he too was life of most places and could eat and digest it all, he worked till 10 days before his death, till the age of 84.

He always drove if was in the car and we were in my town Jamshedpur till he was 82. and I never got an chance to drive his car, as he dint trust my driving, I drove very fast he said


Mom shares how every birthday and anniversary they bough each other gold and whenever they gifted any family member gold for wedding (what use to be the norm, in society for family members) mom too, Always got a gold jeweler of same value, thanks to my dad.  I could go on, but have to save some for later ,,,

Oh well enough sentimental stuff I guess, thanks for reading you all.


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